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How to Select value from dropdown using selenium

Previous topic, In this tutorial we will learn select value from dropdown & multiple selection using selenium webdriver.

Dropdown List box in selenium Webdriver can be handled using Select class. Select class in selenium provided the provision to select and deselect the options from the listbox using three approaches they are: by index , by value and Visible Text, Lets discuss the different approached of selection of option from drop down list box one by on.

How to select value from dropdown using selenium webdriver?

To understand, it lets take a scenario:

  1. Open the url “www.facebook.com
  2. Under Create my option enter First name
  3. Enter email
  4. Enter password
  5. Under Birthday list box-> select date
  6. Birthday list box-> select month
  7. Birthday list box-> select year

1) selectByIndex: We can select the option from the list box on the basis of Index (starts with “0”). To provide the index for a list box selection, firstly we create the object of Select class and pass the web element as a parameter. Below is the syntax.

Select selectData=new Select(WebElement );

Code for the above scenario with explanation for each line of code in comments:

  // Create object of chrome driver 
     WebDriver driver =  new ChromeDriver();


          // Locate the element for first name and enter "Rahul" on text box

         // Locate the element for email and enter "[email protected]" on text box
           driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='reg_email__']")).sendKeys("[email protected]");

        // Locate the element for password and enter "Rahul123" on text box

           // Locate the element for day list box         
           WebElement  date =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_day']"));

           //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectData=new Select(date);

           //Select 5 index from the date list box

        // Locate the element for month list box    
           WebElement  month =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_month']"));

         //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectMonth =new Select(month);

         //Select 5 index from the month list box

        // Locate the element for year list box 
           WebElement  Year =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_year']"));

         //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectYear =new Select(Year);

         //Select 5 index from the month list box
selecting value from drop down list box using selenium

2) selectByValue: Another way of selecting the options from dropdown list box is by providing the value under option tag. refer screenshot for reference below.Value highlighted in yellow

selecting value from drop down list box using selenium

The syntaxfor the selectByValue is:

Select value=new Select(date);         

Code of the above scenario as given below:

//System property of the Chrome driver 
 // Create oject of chrome driver 
          WebDriver driver =  new ChromeDriver();



          // Locate the element for first name and enter "Rahul" on text box

         // Locate the element for email and enter "[email protected]" on text box
           driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='reg_email__']")).sendKeys("[email protected]");

        // Locate the element for password and enter "Rahul123" on text box

           // Locate the element for day list box         
           WebElement  date =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_day']"));

           //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectData=new Select(date);

           //Select 5 as value from the date list box           

        // Locate the element for month list box    
           WebElement  month =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_month']"));

         //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectMonth =new Select(month);

         //Select 5 as value from the month list box

        // Locate the element for year list box 
           WebElement  Year =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_year']"));

         //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectYear =new Select(Year);

         //Select 2015 as value from the month list box

3) selectByVisibleText: Last approach for selecting the options from dropdown list box is using the Text on the list box. By this approach we can directly select he option on entering the text as displayed in web application. Syntax is mentioned below:

 Select text=new Select(month);

Code of the above scenario using selectByVisibleText as given below:

//System property of the Chrome driver 

// Create object of chrome driver 
  WebDriver driver =  new ChromeDriver();

 // Locate the element for first name and enter "Rahul" on text box

// Locate the element for email and enter "[email protected]" on text box
           driver.findElement(By.xpath("//input[@name='reg_email__']")).sendKeys("[email protected]");

 // Locate the element for password and enter "Rahul123" on text box

           // Locate the element for day list box         
           WebElement  date =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_day']"));

           //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
           Select selectData=new Select(date);

           //Select 5 as Text from the date list box            

        // Locate the element for month list box    
           WebElement  month =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_month']"));

//Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
 Select selectMonth =new Select(month);

 //Select May as text from the month list box 

 // Locate the element for year list box 
WebElement  Year =driver.findElement(By.xpath("//select[@name='birthday_year']"));
 //Create the object for Select class and pass Webelement as parameter
 Select selectYear =new Select(Year);
 //Select 2015 as text from the month list box

This is the post for select value from dropdown and multiple value using selenium webdriver. if you have any query , feel free to comment