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Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured API

In Previous Tutorial we have learned Introduction of Rest Assured, so in current tutorial we will understand how to Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured API.

How to Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured API

To configure and setup eclipse with Rest Assured API, we need to follow the below steps step by step:

1) Install and Setup Java

2) Install and setup Eclipse

3) Download the Rest Assured Jars

4) Setup rest assured jars in eclipse

Above steps will help in configuration of Rest assured, Step 1 & 2 are already discussed in previous tutorials (click and walkthrough the tutorial sequentially), we will proceed with 3 & 4 steps to get more in depth.

Download the Rest Assured Jars

1) Click to url Rest assured website for jar download.

Configure Eclipse with Rest-Assured API

2) Download all the jars below the Files columns.

3) Unzip all the jars and save to your preferred folder, now next step is to setup rest assured jars in eclipse Ide.

Setup Rest assured jars in eclipse

1) Create java project in eclipse by click to File->New-> Java Project , mention the project name and click to Finish button

Creating java project in eclipse

2) Now create a class inside default package

Creating java class inside package in eclipse
Creating java class inside package in eclipse

3) Now we need to provide the rest assured jars to the project for this follow the below steps.

Right click to Project -> Select->Build path->Select Build path

how to build jar in eclipse project

4) Under Java Build Path window-> Click to Libraries->click to Add External jars and now select all the unzip external jars of rest assured and click t apply and close.

how to build jar in eclipse project

So by following above steps we will successfully install and setup rest assured on eclipse, in further tutorial , we will learn working on rest api and will try to hit rest services using rest assured and validate the output or expected output.

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